Disqus for EPiServer


Let me introduce Disqus for EPiServer, a Disqus comments integration for EPiServer-based websites. The module consists of two add-ons which enable discussions on pages and provide user interface for configuration. Now Disqus for EPiServer add-ons are available in the Third-Party Add-ons section in the official EPiServer Add-on Store. Enabling Disqus comments There are several ways

Dependencies and versioning for EPiServer add-ons


One of the most challenging problems that the Add-on system should solve is handling a lot of dependencies between different products. Site owners want to be sure that installed add-ons are compatible with the current environment. Add-on authors (developers, partners and EPiServer) want to release new product versions and make the upgrade easy for customers.

Fixing block rendering issues in Alloy Templates for EPiServer 7


New Alloy templates package for EPiServer 7 is a good example of building adaptive site and using new EPiServer features like shared blocks. It implements custom content area rendering to arrange blocks in rows and fill all available space depending on current browser size. There is couple of known issues related to these rendering tricks.

EPiServer CMO in load balancing environment with separate editing server

TechBlogCMODeploymentEPiServerInstallationLoad Balancing

This blog post describes EPiServer CMO installation and configuration in a load balanced environment where CMS editing interfaces and components are not available on the front-end web servers; additional editing server is set up and attached to the same database. This kind of environment is described in this blog post as Option 2. So let’s